

Life in Cartoon Motion




就有如專輯名稱一般的in Cartoon Motion一般~

(當然不是七龍珠那種卡通… 囧興)


1. Grace Kelly

2. Lollipop

3. My Interpretation

4. Love Today

5. Relax (Take It Easy)

6. Any Other World

7. Billy Brown

8. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

9. Stuck In The Middle

10. Happy Ending/Over My Shoulder

11. Ring Ring

附上英文的一寫專輯曲目介紹~ 練練英文唄~ XD

1. 'Grace Kelly'

Currently his most listened to track on MySpace and his debut single,

'Grace Kelly' shows off influences ranging from the campness of the Scissor Sisters

to the intelligent lyricism of an artist like Rufus Wainwright.

It's catchy, witty, clever and cute without becoming irritating in the process.

2. 'Lollipop'

Silly, repetitive but thoroughly enjoyable, this naughty little tune is just the

right length to prevent boredom. It's also extremely easy to dance to,

which explains the prevalence of the bouncy chorus.

Thumping rhythms, high-pitched, twinkling vocals and jerky reggae beats all combine

to form a cool, funky little song.

3. 'My Interpretation'

Mika veers into ballad territory on this rather formulaic, but lush

piece of music which dives from heartfelt verse to power ballad chorus whilst

allowing a powerful guitar and Queen-esque high notes to be brought into the mix.

Whilst it harks back to the era of bands like Berlin as opposed to looking to

the future, it still shows versatility.

4. 'Love Today'

Easily one of Mika's most popular tunes to date and already featured

on the RED campaign in the States, his swooping vocals stretch high

throughout the majority of one of the catchiest tunes on the album.

It's a blistering high-camp pop tune sung in a fabulously pitched vocal

that doesn't grate but rather intrigues. This really should be a single.

5. 'Relax, Take It Easy'

Already released as a download-only track on iTunes and as a limited edition

(500 copies) LP that sold out very quickly , this perky song veers more into

the dance side of things than previous tracks have managed.

Its retro sound and Mika's powerful, lilting vocals work perfectly in

tandem, though it perhaps doesn't quite have the immediacy of some other songs.

6. 'Any Other World'

This is the weakest song on the album. Despite a luscious occasional

stabbing of strings that interpolate with the soft, pleading melody,

it's still pretty dreary and lacking in the same emotion and energy as

the other tracks. It's not terrible, but it's certainly not great.

7. 'Billy Brown'

Steering sharply away from the modern elements influencing his work,

The Beatles get a bit of a look in with blasting brass and layered

harmonies on this tale of a man discovering his sexuality, freaking

ut and running away to "an island off the coast of Mexico".

Clever, funny, but does grate slightly after a few listens, so don't overdose on it!

8. 'Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)'

Written in the space of a few minutes in the middle of the night,

inspired by a Victoria Wood documentary on big, beautiful women,

this Dolly Parton-ed up track is an ode to the larger women in Mika's family.

A song to cheer you up if ever you heard one, this is brilliantly uplifting

and full of lyrics that'll make you chuckle.

9. 'Stuck In The Middle'

A wonderful surprise comes close to the end of the album with this bouncy,

fantastic romp that sports one of the least original song titles ever

heard - a pound for each time it's been used, please? - but great lyrics

and great harmonising vocals from guitarist Marti while Mika scats and lilts

all over the shop makes for one of the best songs on the entire album.

10. 'Happy Ending'

The penultimate track (yes, there's a secret one) on Life In Cartoon Motion

develops from a so-so ballad into a gospel-tinged layered conclusion

that notes: "This is the way you left me/I'm not pretending/No hope, no love,

no glory/No happy ending." More up-and-down on the whole than much of the

remainder of the album, but still clearly demonstrating great songwriting.

11. 'Over My Shoulder'

You should definitely keep listening to track ten of the album,

because a little gem is hidden away right at the end. A soft, acoustic,

totally falsetto duet between mult-talented guitarist Marti and Mika himself,

'Over My Shoulder' is delicious, soft and completely heartbreaking.

Live, it's transfixing, on record - not much different.

以下再附上一些撈到的資料… XD

(中文資料有夠少…又不想貼英文讓大家傷眼睛… 囧興)

Mika,原名Mica Penniman 1983年8月18日生於黎巴嫩首都貝魯特一個美黎聯姻的家庭




加上他在皇家音樂學院(Royal College of Music)受到的專業訓練,

讓他剛剛露臉就頂著了音樂天才的光環。2006年9月,Mika在BBC Radio 1嶄露頭角,


Mika的首支單曲《Relax, Take It Easy》被BBC Radio 1播放,

並受到知名DJ的推崇。2007年1月8日,環球唱片發行了他的單曲《Grace Kelly》,


發行了自己的首張專輯《Life In Cartoon Motion》,他的音樂融合了舞曲,



人們談起他時,總是把他和Freddie Mercury, George Michael,

Scissor Sisters, Rufus Wainwright和Elton John相提並論。



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